Step 6 of the PW Hiring Process
You are currently viewing Step 6 of the hiring process at Pet World Lawrence.
1. Learn more about our rehoming center
2. Apply online
3. Complete text interview
4. Complete phone interview
5. Complete observation and prescreen
6. Complete in-person or video chat
If the prescreening staff recommends you, chances are very good that you will be accepted into the apprenticeship program.
Remember, there are no shortcuts to Step 6. Tim and Sherry have owned PW since 1988 and they know a lot of people in the area. You might know them, their kids, or even be related. But because you'll be working with the staff, not the owners, the decision to advance you to Step 6 belongs to the staff. Recruiting the best candidates is a staff responsibility they take very seriously. Ownership will not let applicants bypass any steps in the process so if you reach Step 6 it means you were recommended after your prescreen. Well done!
Note! At this point, applicants have been narrowed down by about 90%. That means only 10% of applicants get in-person time with Sherry and most successfully gain employment if they reach Step 6 so relax! You're doing great!
Step 6 will either be in person or via video chat (through facetime, whatsapp, zoom, etc.). During the face to face interview, applicants are expected to do more than simply answer questions. You're beyond that now. We want a meaningful conversation. Sharp, intuitive applicants should anticipate what to say and when to say it, freely sharing relevant information. We expect a warm, friendly attitude, superior communication skills, with exceptionally good manners that come naturally. Whether in person or video chat, dress casually, wearing whatever makes you feel good. There's no need to dress a certain way or hide piercings, tattoos, etc. Have you seen our staff? It's Lawrence. Nobody cares about your personal style preferences as long as you are kind, friendly, and approachable. Just relax and be yourself.
At the end of the chat you will either be thanked and dismissed, invited to intern via text by 10pm that night after we've had a little time to think, or offered a paid internship right there on the spot.
F.A.Q. Why not put on the good show for this interview?
Because, as much as we do need to perform sometimes in retail, at this step in the process we're not hiring your performance; we're hiring a long term, paid employee to serve the needs of our community. You already impressed the staff so now it's time to truly just be yourself. Besides, we'll see right through the act. Always do. Ask anyone who has been interviewed by us. Conducting thousands of interviews in the past 35 years has taught us a lot. We're kinda like Profilers by now. (Just kidding, mostly.) The Pet World experience is part performance, part education, and part compassion. Putting on the good show is necessary for Steps 1-5 and it's what we do on the sales floor to keep customers happy. Behind the scenes, however, we teach the importance of transparency and authenticity and expect you to be yourself.
If working in retail sales and dealing with rehoming animals is not right for you or it's not the right time in your life for this challenge, it's better to figure that out soon, before getting too deep in the hiring process. So, again, please keep it real. Seriously, BE REAL. The real you is enough. Even if faking your way through an interview gets you the job, it won't keep you the job, so please don't bother. During Step 6 we need to see that you are comfortable just being yourself and confident enough to open up and share honestly in this well established safe space. Sherry will give you that unconditional-love-mom-vibe and usually disarm you in a matter of minutes anyway because she truly cares about your workplace experience and wants to make a mutually beneficial decision so just be yourself. It's not unusual for applicants to laugh and even cry during the in-person chat and THAT'S OKAY. We deal with living things, dying things, people, and their beloved pets. You must be comfortable with your compassion in order to do what we do every day.
7. Complete Paid Internship
8. Complete Orientation
9. Begin Paid Apprenticeship
10. Complete Apprenticeship and officially join the team!